Sunday, June 20, 2010

Smoking Controversy

Smoking... Is it Bad, Or is it Okay? I can Say it is Not Good and Also Not Bad~ i bet Majority of people Will Say it is bad~ I dont Denied That Smoking Is Dangerous for Ur health Even the Producer tell That To Us.. But then Smoking Also Can Enhance Sociality Believe or not Cigarette can build a friendship^^ I witness it by Myself hahaha=D Well I didnt say smoking is Suppose to be Encourage But let's See Smoking From Other Point Of we shall we? Because nowadays I found Thousand Of people Look at Smoker as like they are A BAD GUYS, A SINNER(Maybe they think They are Holy), NAUGHTY, well the point is always Bad...>,<\ First, peoples who choose to SMoke Is their own Choices. I bet all Of them know what's the risk for Smoking. Its Their Choices. I am A smoker, I know the risk, I choose to smoke, Please respect My Decision.. I think That's what Every smoker wants when They get offended by those who Dont like to smoke and try to "help" them.. i know that what they are meant to do is Good, But... maybe Unconciously Offend The Smokers.. Who's The bad guy now?
second, They Think Smoker are BAd peoples, Smoking cant guarantee a person is a bad person~ Especially if a girl is smoking, peoples will see them like "ieuh~~" Wonder why... They Judge people From the Cover.. and also I found One of my friend told me that, If His parents know that He's hanging out with friends which is Smoking, He will be Told not to hang out with Those kind of People... What The?? Is that How a Grown UP People Think?? Lot of people Dont Smoke, But they Drink Liquor, Use Drugs~ its worse~
Even I can Say, people Who come often to church also cant guarantee he/she is a GOod Person...
Third... I Experienced Once, there's this One person.. She told me Smoking is a Sin... So Undirectly She said Im One Hell of a Heavy Sinner>_< well she told One sentence from the Bible, I dont say its Wrong And I dont say its correct also...
I kinda Thinking that time, is there "No Smoking" In the ten CommandmentS?
I feel Offended that time seriously.. I feel Like want to say "Mind ur own business" or "Get The **** outta my face">,<
That's cigarette in Sociality
In History 
Cigarette was Founded First time in central america by mayan Tribe.. They Smoke Tobacco through a long pipe then brought by the Aztecs, brought again to Spain then To france.. In france they Modified, reduce the size and rolled inside a paper then it called a cigarette after..^^
In romance(feel kinda awkward but, i just wanna share)
Boys, when they are Gathering it was all smokers that time. They talking bout Girls, Girls Nowadays seems like cant accept when they found their Lover is a Smoker. But then We wonder, Some of the parents, the Husband are a smoker but still can be accepted.. why a~? is this changes occur as time goes by to modern era? hahahaha~ but then WE can say, we should keep on smoking to find the girls who really can accept Us whatever We are.. sounds a bit weird for excuses, but its not wrong also hahaha..XD
Until today Smoking is still A controversy, I see also there's electric cigarette.. i wonder how's the taste, I imagine it taste like U suck a battery...>,< wkwkwkwkwk...
if I Stop smoking one day I wont say I will Before, and, if or But. I will just stop..

"To smoke or not to smoke:  I can make of either a life-work."

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