Saturday, June 19, 2010

Finally I can continue write Blog hehehe... These past few days, I got some things I want to share but I just felt I dont feel like to, Because of daily activity make me so Tired...
These things Were On My mind
Sadness, Broken Heartache, Stress, Depression, etc... all this kInd Of feeling is the Fruit that Appear When Life Turn us Down anytime...
I believe Every People Ever Had These kind of feeling maybe Once twice Or even More..
If we see these Just like we see a food I can say I taste All already, And its Not so good>,<\ First time when U taste it, The Flavour will feel like it will last for a long time, Yes it is But then After we can get The recipe, And we can find What's a good choice for the dessert.. Sweet Things Is always what best for dessert, I believe everyone will agree=)
In This case, Dunno why I still can feel the taste Till Now>,< hmp... Lucky I know why, what to do... Have you ever been hurt and the place tries to heal a bit, and you just pull the scar off of it over and over again.. I think That is what happen>,< hwhwhwhwhhw
next One I want to share
Lets make it short..
I watch a movie, karate Kid ! damn Funny and Nice One^^ jackie chan Movie ! Like it so much ! When I watch the Movie, I got these words "Life sometimes Turn us Down, But then Is Our choices whether we want to get up or not", I feel something knock me from the inside... That's true.. that's why, I Choose to Get up ~ the day I change my Blog title^^ Feel New again, Even though SOmetimes still...
These past few Days, I was Observing Peoples around me. At workplace, at home, at the Street, everywhere that i go.. I found that, People really have a lot of variety. Some are silent, Talk active, Blur, smart, lazy, hardworking, bad or good attitude ETC... its a combination from it that make Us Unique^^
Today My weekend Ruined, bcause of stupid Function>,< I wake Up so early, I cant even feel this is Saturday... I wanted to Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep for a long time, Heal myself>,< but I cant say anything.. I kinda feel, In the Future when I work, How Bout my weekend?*worried Face~_~\
Well, That's life... Like it or not, Keep On Moving !!
But For now I
Feel so tired... I wanna sleep like a Pig Now AHahahahaha....

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