Sunday, June 27, 2010

Life is Just Like a Line..*inspired by a COnversation

Life is just like a line, And We are Now In the end of it Keep On going make a Line.. The past are Still there at the back In previous spot We've been Lined..
What's after and Before Us Is a tiny matter Compare to what's within Us..
can we do About the past?
its past already
what can we found from think think and think about Future?
It havent arrive yet
what can we do from what's within us?
a Lot
then how bout the past and future?
Do we must forget the past and ignore the future?
We can learn something from the past, we can make a Sketch for Future
But most importantly
We Must Decide In what's within us now
It is a line
Its a line On a Piece of paper
when the line arrive at the end of the paper
We can decide to bend up or down
to continue with the line
rather than stop in the edge of the paper itself
when the paper got no more space to draw a line, Like when U feel Its a dead end up ahead
we still can Open a new page
To start again make another line.. A better one~

So Never Give Up On ur Life, There's always Something That's worth To FIght For~~~~

Eggs Song~ - 9500+ Free Games - 9500+ Free Games

Just wanna Share this Cute Eggs Singing~

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Smoking Controversy

Smoking... Is it Bad, Or is it Okay? I can Say it is Not Good and Also Not Bad~ i bet Majority of people Will Say it is bad~ I dont Denied That Smoking Is Dangerous for Ur health Even the Producer tell That To Us.. But then Smoking Also Can Enhance Sociality Believe or not Cigarette can build a friendship^^ I witness it by Myself hahaha=D Well I didnt say smoking is Suppose to be Encourage But let's See Smoking From Other Point Of we shall we? Because nowadays I found Thousand Of people Look at Smoker as like they are A BAD GUYS, A SINNER(Maybe they think They are Holy), NAUGHTY, well the point is always Bad...>,<\ First, peoples who choose to SMoke Is their own Choices. I bet all Of them know what's the risk for Smoking. Its Their Choices. I am A smoker, I know the risk, I choose to smoke, Please respect My Decision.. I think That's what Every smoker wants when They get offended by those who Dont like to smoke and try to "help" them.. i know that what they are meant to do is Good, But... maybe Unconciously Offend The Smokers.. Who's The bad guy now?
second, They Think Smoker are BAd peoples, Smoking cant guarantee a person is a bad person~ Especially if a girl is smoking, peoples will see them like "ieuh~~" Wonder why... They Judge people From the Cover.. and also I found One of my friend told me that, If His parents know that He's hanging out with friends which is Smoking, He will be Told not to hang out with Those kind of People... What The?? Is that How a Grown UP People Think?? Lot of people Dont Smoke, But they Drink Liquor, Use Drugs~ its worse~
Even I can Say, people Who come often to church also cant guarantee he/she is a GOod Person...
Third... I Experienced Once, there's this One person.. She told me Smoking is a Sin... So Undirectly She said Im One Hell of a Heavy Sinner>_< well she told One sentence from the Bible, I dont say its Wrong And I dont say its correct also...
I kinda Thinking that time, is there "No Smoking" In the ten CommandmentS?
I feel Offended that time seriously.. I feel Like want to say "Mind ur own business" or "Get The **** outta my face">,<
That's cigarette in Sociality
In History 
Cigarette was Founded First time in central america by mayan Tribe.. They Smoke Tobacco through a long pipe then brought by the Aztecs, brought again to Spain then To france.. In france they Modified, reduce the size and rolled inside a paper then it called a cigarette after..^^
In romance(feel kinda awkward but, i just wanna share)
Boys, when they are Gathering it was all smokers that time. They talking bout Girls, Girls Nowadays seems like cant accept when they found their Lover is a Smoker. But then We wonder, Some of the parents, the Husband are a smoker but still can be accepted.. why a~? is this changes occur as time goes by to modern era? hahahaha~ but then WE can say, we should keep on smoking to find the girls who really can accept Us whatever We are.. sounds a bit weird for excuses, but its not wrong also hahaha..XD
Until today Smoking is still A controversy, I see also there's electric cigarette.. i wonder how's the taste, I imagine it taste like U suck a battery...>,< wkwkwkwkwk...
if I Stop smoking one day I wont say I will Before, and, if or But. I will just stop..

"To smoke or not to smoke:  I can make of either a life-work."

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Finally I can continue write Blog hehehe... These past few days, I got some things I want to share but I just felt I dont feel like to, Because of daily activity make me so Tired...
These things Were On My mind
Sadness, Broken Heartache, Stress, Depression, etc... all this kInd Of feeling is the Fruit that Appear When Life Turn us Down anytime...
I believe Every People Ever Had These kind of feeling maybe Once twice Or even More..
If we see these Just like we see a food I can say I taste All already, And its Not so good>,<\ First time when U taste it, The Flavour will feel like it will last for a long time, Yes it is But then After we can get The recipe, And we can find What's a good choice for the dessert.. Sweet Things Is always what best for dessert, I believe everyone will agree=)
In This case, Dunno why I still can feel the taste Till Now>,< hmp... Lucky I know why, what to do... Have you ever been hurt and the place tries to heal a bit, and you just pull the scar off of it over and over again.. I think That is what happen>,< hwhwhwhwhhw
next One I want to share
Lets make it short..
I watch a movie, karate Kid ! damn Funny and Nice One^^ jackie chan Movie ! Like it so much ! When I watch the Movie, I got these words "Life sometimes Turn us Down, But then Is Our choices whether we want to get up or not", I feel something knock me from the inside... That's true.. that's why, I Choose to Get up ~ the day I change my Blog title^^ Feel New again, Even though SOmetimes still...
These past few Days, I was Observing Peoples around me. At workplace, at home, at the Street, everywhere that i go.. I found that, People really have a lot of variety. Some are silent, Talk active, Blur, smart, lazy, hardworking, bad or good attitude ETC... its a combination from it that make Us Unique^^
Today My weekend Ruined, bcause of stupid Function>,< I wake Up so early, I cant even feel this is Saturday... I wanted to Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep for a long time, Heal myself>,< but I cant say anything.. I kinda feel, In the Future when I work, How Bout my weekend?*worried Face~_~\
Well, That's life... Like it or not, Keep On Moving !!
But For now I
Feel so tired... I wanna sleep like a Pig Now AHahahahaha....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I think I dont want to be alone~

I got Friends, A lot of it... here there and at many places^^
Im So Glad to hear that come out from myself..
There's something i feel is just not right, I feel Cold, Not even warm...
There was a time I was Down, and I Called my friends, through internet, Message and telephone.. Nobody I could reach that time.. everyone was go Out and Im the one Who left Alone~ sounds So pitiful right, But i never feel that I need a pity...
That time I go Drive Alone at Night, The night Where I lose The One I loved. isnt that I wanted to lost her, but it was a hard situation... She ask me to and I cant be selfish.. I feel Im a glass that breaks and Shattered everywhere... Its almost impossible to arrange it together again. it tooks me 4 years to collect it but its still so fragile..
I need Someone to talk, or at least listen to me.. I know I got friends, but they was not there.. I was on my own Facing everything. I was lost dunno what to do, While I drive in a midnight i Looked at the sky running my hands through my eyes and say how can all the Wonders and Dream I built, everything I got that is Given for it. It was all Break... I put my Hope on the sky but even the sky falling down on me, put me on the Ground then Stomp on me...
I Ended up alone, start from that day, the next day, Another next day, the other next day and it happens like that everyday... Finally I can talk to my friends, But It doesnt help me. some of them taking it lightly, some of them angry at me because i was stupid they said. I know why the reason the said that, but i was hoping that they would say "Im understand.."
Nobody can Really understand me except me. that;s what appear in my mind That time, Until now... I got a lot of new friends, i hang out with them, but it is just me or is it the truth that whoever Am i with, I ended Up alone again again and again.. can u imagine U were with our friends, They are having a chit chat laughing but its only you who stay in the middle just stay there, nobody talks to you, nobody listen to you.. maybe they were see me but they didnt look at me, they heard me but they Didnt listen to me... feels like U just a Statue for rooms Decoration.. Lucky I got principle, I believe in me, I dont need to depends on them, i can do it by my own.. It was a hard time I try to pass through but Finally I manage to get up By my own, I oftenly got another new Friends, but i never think I had one True Best friend.. I think it was ok, Just be a Good One, and u will receive what u give... but Im Human, I want to receive something also... But i never had... I always ended up alone, After good Times, Bad times, Still I will ended up alone.. And I dont want to be alone...
I need Someone Who really cares
I need Someone Who Understand
I need Someone Who Always there For me
I need Someone Who Love me
I need Someone Who can accept me whatever I am is
As a Friend or more...
Im tired of being alone, I cant and I dont want to Purposely looking for attention
but then What should I do?
I choose to stay Be myself in any condition, But it's hard when U Dont have anyone really care to you...
If U have One, Or more than one.. Tell Them That U love them, Friends or more. Just tell them That U do.. Bcause out there lot of people just like me.. Ended up alone cant be The lucky one Like You do...

Well I dunno why I write this, Im still try to get through it the fact That I feel im alone..
But I try to be positive, look at another point of view that someday when I found that SOmeone. it would be One of the greatest moment of my life...
If U feel Like I do, Try be positive, keep on Believe... Whenever u are a falling down and u got no one to help there's still God Who always Love His Children. He wont let You down.. Be positive be a gOod, U receive what U give..

Just like this Picture, I was down on the ground without no one to help me Get up.. But I finally manage to get up pass by everything and I reach up the Mountain Top.. But once again Im ended Up Alone Up there...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

20Th Birthdays ! So long Teenagers Period...(^^,)")

5th June 2010 Is finally Come, And Twenty Years ago a Child was born to This Life...
And that Child Is me^^
Today I celebrate My Birthday, I can say its Different than other Birthdays I had Before^^
I remember My birthday when i reach 5 years old, I always so happy because I will receive a lot of presents, the funny part is I always ask 4 something before it, hope that I will be given the things I want=P ehehehehe... U know what? It is Effective Huahahaha=D I ended up with all toys With Wheels Attached on it=E
Than I leave My toddler period after 11th birthday comes^^ its started to change again, Teenager times is the time where kids Become a boy.. Start calling each other like "Dude" "man" Or "choy". start act like a mature but still unstabble>,<\ Emotion problem, Start to Feel that we called Love or i can say "monkey Love", Nowadays i can say what our parents say about Monkey Love is really Correct^^ ahahahaha....
my birthday Before this, I can say It was So blue, Feels like being forgotten by some People that i can say they got meaning for me.. i was 18th that time..hahaha.. but I passed through it^^
and Now, My teenager period may have ends, my age start with 2 already~,~\ Feel like there's changes in me^^ but I believe "Growing old is mandatory and growing up is optional.. A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun." 1 day before my 20th birthday comes, i think that... The older U are getting the More responsibility U have, The Older U are getting You should Be like a rice-plant the More rice it got the More It Bend Down.. be humble^^ Im not 20 years Old By the way, im still eighteen But with 2 years Experience ehehehehe=D Stay Young ! Time Is a great teacher for me but a lousy Beautycian !>,<
I Dunno what to say anymore, I just wanna enjoy My trip to another 365 day go Circling the SUn with this Ark called earth and this Road Called Life...

My 1st Bday present^^
My 1st 20th Bday Card