Tuesday, March 29, 2011

found something interesting =P


Either man or woman, both are not perfect, that is why God created both....

To complete each other and become perfect^,^

It is normal to have a fight inside a relationship, its the process push both of them to be more understanding each other... in the end i believe they could do something to prevent it from happened again....
So boys and girls who might oftenly had a fight with yours couple, take time to redeem yourself... its not a matter to find who is guilty but its time for two of u sit and talk... whats happening actually between both u, is there anything both of u can do to get rid if the problem... that will make you understand more each other... as a supply for the next step in relationship....

so if there's any of you is fighting with the one u love, sit down, stay calm, give time to relax, than tell him/her U love them and find out what's the cause and find solution together....

1 comment:

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