Saturday, July 10, 2010

Garink Pisan~ Plus Emosi~ gini nee~

Gilee Gileee~ Plg Bandung, Guwe dah tunggu tunggu dr kpn bs plg.. Gw pikir Gw bs maen ma tmen2 rame, trus~ tp... its so different with what I expected... I see Now "They" Got Their Own Business to Do Every single day.. They said To me, lets Go do this and that but.. Practically it was words Only No action ... NATO~ No action Talk Only... hate those Words... Who's My real Friend Actually I really Dont Know Who.. I thought it was them, It was her, It was Him.. But practically I really Not sure who's The one... Hahahaha~ What a "Friends" I have...
I was Really Try To gather them around  But No one seems to Give a shit about it... for now I Don't wanna care about them Already~ I will Do what I wanna Do, I dont Give A shit bout them anymore~ There was a time I see that They Come to me when They Need SOmething From me, I see How they Make friends, They make Friends to People which They can Take advantage From.. I really cant believe i said this but It is the fact From what I see and I feel... I feel Sucks, and Stupid bcause I realize I still need Friends... why cant I Feel Comfort when Im alone? I wish I can~ am I Hard to Be understand By People? Or it is just There's No one Can understand Me at all....  Tomorrow I will go Somewhere COmplete My List.. I Dont care With what People ask me to do, I want to enjoy this once a year Holiday... Dont wanna talk and Dont wanna Hear~ Let's see what will "they" Do? Do they care? Or They are Really like what i've said "Dont give a Shit About it..."

To All My fake Friends

U sAiD dat u HaD mY bAcK
ThRoUgH tHe GoOd TiMeS aNd ThE bAd
WhEn I wAs HaPpY oR wHeN i WaS sAd
BuT wHeN i TrUeLy NeEdEd U
AnD cOuLdN't MaKe It ThRoUgH
WhEn I LoOkEd BeHiNd Me To SeE iF u WeRe ThErE
I ReaLiZeD dat u TrULy DiDn'T cArE

1 comment:

  1. You are not the only one with such a problem....
    U gotta Buddy in India too....And that will be me... Only person who I call my friend and who stays as one is "myself".. Dont give up man
