Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Hahaha....." "Hihihihi....." "huehehehehe..." "Wakakakaka..." "Hohoho...."
There are many type Of laughter We Can Heard from peoples... What do they Feel when they are laughing? What Do You feel?
We feel happy Right? When we feel Happy we SMile, and Laughter is A burst Smile^^ I think Laughter can Spread Just Like smile=) in My experience, I got a friend. He likes to tell a jokes, But sometimes Honestly The Jokes are Quite lame>,< But All laughing, Do u know why? Because of his face so funny=E
He's one of my best friend until now...
Well Nowadays Im Still doing my entrepreneurship at College, It is so Boring doing the same things everyday and All of us Looks So stress. Pressure, Problems, Complaints, etc Internal or external problems We face every days^^
Its so tired everyday, But Laughter Always Come To us.. In the middle or in the end of our working hours^^ Lot of jokes we tell each other, There's always something to laugh.. No matter how bad our day is^^ Believe it or not, When Our day is so bad, Bad things happened and Polute our Feeling. Laughter is a Dry cleaning while Crying Is a wet Cleaning...=)
Laughter and Enough sleep are also two of Best Cures in a Doctor's Book^^
So When u feel like Bored, Stress oR depressed try to laugh, Read a jokes, Or do anything U like. It will make u feel better..
Here I share One Joke With you^^

One day In a History class for Junior High school, The teacher Give a question to all The students. "What Will happen If There is third world War?" then the Students are silent, but then There's one Student break the silence. He said "Oh My GOD !!!" then the teacher asked "Why? what's Wrong?" He give a worried face to the teacher. and guess what is His answer?(answer down There)=E
Hope I can Share One small chuckles With You all.. "Dont worry Be happy"=)

"It would be a huge problem. There'd be another chapter in the history book to study."

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