Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today I Dunno Why But im feelin sooo... Blue...
Is it because i'm just tired or There is something bother me.. Whether directly or somewhere deep Inside "here"..("--)
I see the Sky, its gray and its raining outside just like what i feel...
I hate this halfway kind of feeling.. I see that Nothing is wrong with me, but Why Do I feel like something is just not right... I wish i can get the answer...
I look at the mirror and I see me Frown.. I was thinking that, I always can Say "keep smile" But Sometimes i Cant apply it To myself.. Feel so Empty.. it's all Become one and this feeling makes me crazy..
The time I write this, I feel so alone... Like i have nobody^^ sounds so pity, But Im not looking for sympathy.. By looking for sympathy i believe it will makes me Look pathetic...
and I dont want that... I prefer Write it here...
there was a time Im tired of this life, I feel Im all by myself, dunno where am i, I feel lost, I was at the place where i think im not belong.. but then I found a reason to keep On Movin..
"life is just like riding Bicycle, U must keep on movin" and maybe sometimes u can take rest for a while then keep on goin.. That's what my friend added^^
well... Maybe What i need now is just taking a rest...
And soon I must move again...

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