Sunday, May 23, 2010

I believe and I hope You do too

I believe that the sun shines after the rain
I believe if you don't get hurt you'll never gain
I believe in not doing things the easy way

I believe in a second chance
I believe there is life after death
And standing up to a life of mess
I believe that revenge isn’t right

I believe that first impressions last
And there is nothing better then a good laugh
I believe that dreams do come true, I believe there's destiny for you,
I believe something good comes from something bad I believe everyone has one

I believe there's destiny for you
I believe that good things come to those who wait
I believe it will never arrives too late
I believe something good comes from something bad

I believe that for tears of happiness there are tears of sad
I believe everyone has a guardian angel
And the good you do will be rewarded well
I believe sometimes there is no explanation

I believe money can't buy people's affection
I believe you don't know what you've got until it's gone
I believe a new day arrives with every dawn
I believe a smile can be contagious

I believe in living with no regrets
I believe that life is as good as it gets
I believe that God watches over us
I believe the little things are worth the fuss

I believe you have each friend for a reason
I believe you will get punished for treason
I believe that what comes first is family
I believe we should all live in harmony

I believe in making the most of a beautiful day
And it's not the end until everything's okay
I believe you will lose if you sit and wonder
I believe every experience teaches you a lesson

I believe that to learn you have to live
I believe that to receive you have to give
I believe one moment can change your life
And there's still help when you’re in strife

I believe in the power of a song
And things will change before too long
I believe living is the best experience
I believe its hard to receive the one we love is gone
And when they’re gone all you can do is breath

I believe to always look on the bright side
I believe that life is just one big ride
I believe It wont be easy go through This Life
But I believe We can Pass Through All the obstacles
and I hope You do too...

Friday, May 21, 2010

A person can Do anything If He/She Willing to do it

Do you Know Doraemon? I bet a Lot of People Know him^^ Like me, I can say I grew up with Doraemon, Since i was a little Child I like Doraemon very much.. And I can say, Until now>,< hehehe...
I had my first Comics of Doraemon when Im in kindergarden. I was So Excited to have it, Its an adventure series number 15, I still remember the stories that Nobita needs to make a Summer Projects and Doraemon helps him and it leads them to one Adventure in their own project^^
after that I start to collect one by one every time I go to mall, I always want to go to The bookstore and FInd DOraemon.. Then the result, I manage to Collect all series, all number, and all Special Edition hihihihi=D I kinda miss them, bcause every time I Eat, I was bored I always read it again an again..^^ I bring it to school secretly also hehehehe=D
This Video I Found 18 Years after I start to like Doraemon, So sad, I feel kinda Touched by this Video.. Sounds so sensitive>,<\
But then From this video we can learn something, About Friendship, Appreciation And How A person Can achieve anything what He/She want..
First Nobita and Doraemon are Close Friends, They always Together, Doraemon was never absent to Help Nobita, We can see that maybe They had an argue but still they care each other, lot of story if i must tell every little part of it. But then When the times Doraemon runs out of batteries and Might be Lost his memories. Nobita realize that after a long time he never say thank you properly.. We cans see he's kinda regret about it, this teach us That If U had any feelings to someone U love as friends, Family maybe, Express it, Tell them... Because u won't know About tomorrow if there's Something happen and Prevent Us to say it..
Then Last thing, We can see after Doraemon was motionless, And Nobita See that nothing he can do for him, He was determined to Study harder harder and harder to Find How To Bring Doraemon back.. 35 years He Keep on Do it With persistence.. Start with a crybaby boy, Who always got bullied and Never Shine in his class, he start to change... He believe he can do it and With the spirit Finally He achieve to Bring Doraemon back..^^
This teach us Not to give up, We can achieve things we want when we keep on believe, hardwork, persistence and Never ever give up. Mistakes are not intended to make us Down, rather it makes Us stronger...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today I Dunno Why But im feelin sooo... Blue...
Is it because i'm just tired or There is something bother me.. Whether directly or somewhere deep Inside "here"..("--)
I see the Sky, its gray and its raining outside just like what i feel...
I hate this halfway kind of feeling.. I see that Nothing is wrong with me, but Why Do I feel like something is just not right... I wish i can get the answer...
I look at the mirror and I see me Frown.. I was thinking that, I always can Say "keep smile" But Sometimes i Cant apply it To myself.. Feel so Empty.. it's all Become one and this feeling makes me crazy..
The time I write this, I feel so alone... Like i have nobody^^ sounds so pity, But Im not looking for sympathy.. By looking for sympathy i believe it will makes me Look pathetic...
and I dont want that... I prefer Write it here...
there was a time Im tired of this life, I feel Im all by myself, dunno where am i, I feel lost, I was at the place where i think im not belong.. but then I found a reason to keep On Movin..
"life is just like riding Bicycle, U must keep on movin" and maybe sometimes u can take rest for a while then keep on goin.. That's what my friend added^^
well... Maybe What i need now is just taking a rest...
And soon I must move again...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chicken Fever . .

Chicken fever is what i Had Today>,<\ So Uncomfortable I feel today after finish my work... What's the Connection between chicken and my work? Here's the Story.... Today I work just like ussual 10am-6pm, I work in western Kitchen department.. and One of my duty is to Prepare Things for the next day.. and I was surprised today with what i get..Today... I get a task to prepare 100 chicken Chop and 80 Chicken Cordon bleu... DANG I said...>,<\ usually i Just need to prepare 40 each.. but at first I think it will Just be easy la, I got a partner to do this things with me and he also surprised with it^^ hahahaha... First we take out The Chicken from the freezer to be defrost after, we need 2 sink to defrost all... after 3 hours then we can take out the chicken start to trim here there and everywhere... Marinade and wait to be processed again... wow, the chicken smell makes me sick already that time... Feel like Doesnt wanna touch chicken anymore>,< until now im still fee sick of chicken... This is another type of chicken fever..~,~ By the way, when I think about it suddenly I remember.. because i Joined the World Wildlife Fund to Support them protecting the Endangered species, and That time Got One person Send this post, she said that She's upset and disappointed in how Human treat Chicken.. She send a Link on youtube ABout discovery channel which Show how Does a Chicken's egg produced to be Consumed.. She put comment on the Video, in the short story The chicken is put in a Long cage For all the hen, it looks like a big prison, The hen's head will pop out from the cage to eat. The Conveyor belt will keep on rolling to feed the Chicken, and when the Chicken lay egg it will automatically goes down to another set of canal to another part to be Processed, checked for quality... Unfortunately this hen cant keep on producing eggs in high Quality, as time Goes by and the chicken's age increases the Egg quality will decrease.. It was explained inside the Video by the Discovery channel.. U know what? After The hen was Working Hard To produce egg or should i Say being pushed to Produce egg WHat does the Human Do after that?? They send The hen To the slaughter House... u know what happen next... After i read and watch the Video, I kinda thinking... it's so Cruel... Even Though Chicken is a Chicken, They are animal, But they also had a feeling Like us Humans...~_~ I dunno is it because I like animal personally or it is Cruel to see Chicken treated like that? mm... We do appreciate life as Human, But do we appreciate another living things life? Should we? My answer is Yes.. How About you? imagine if animal can think like Us, And they have a religion... Who is The devil for them?

"Every life God made in all the creatures and gave them love and fear, To give sign, we and they are His children, as one family to fill this Earth"

They had Expressions and feelingThey had a friendshipThey Have Hearts and Love Inside it...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Hahaha....." "Hihihihi....." "huehehehehe..." "Wakakakaka..." "Hohoho...."
There are many type Of laughter We Can Heard from peoples... What do they Feel when they are laughing? What Do You feel?
We feel happy Right? When we feel Happy we SMile, and Laughter is A burst Smile^^ I think Laughter can Spread Just Like smile=) in My experience, I got a friend. He likes to tell a jokes, But sometimes Honestly The Jokes are Quite lame>,< But All laughing, Do u know why? Because of his face so funny=E
He's one of my best friend until now...
Well Nowadays Im Still doing my entrepreneurship at College, It is so Boring doing the same things everyday and All of us Looks So stress. Pressure, Problems, Complaints, etc Internal or external problems We face every days^^
Its so tired everyday, But Laughter Always Come To us.. In the middle or in the end of our working hours^^ Lot of jokes we tell each other, There's always something to laugh.. No matter how bad our day is^^ Believe it or not, When Our day is so bad, Bad things happened and Polute our Feeling. Laughter is a Dry cleaning while Crying Is a wet Cleaning...=)
Laughter and Enough sleep are also two of Best Cures in a Doctor's Book^^
So When u feel like Bored, Stress oR depressed try to laugh, Read a jokes, Or do anything U like. It will make u feel better..
Here I share One Joke With you^^

One day In a History class for Junior High school, The teacher Give a question to all The students. "What Will happen If There is third world War?" then the Students are silent, but then There's one Student break the silence. He said "Oh My GOD !!!" then the teacher asked "Why? what's Wrong?" He give a worried face to the teacher. and guess what is His answer?(answer down There)=E
Hope I can Share One small chuckles With You all.. "Dont worry Be happy"=)

"It would be a huge problem. There'd be another chapter in the history book to study."

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You are You !

Personality Of each people On this Earth are Differents, Nobody are the same.. They are all Unique as what they are^^
Like in my experience 19 years plus I live, I have met a lot of Peoples^^ And there are still a lot more around the world..
but then there was a time I found Myself Become Different, I know and I realize that Im not What I am used to be.. There are two Possibilities, 1 a person is Grown Up so that maybe he/she had some changes in the way i think and act. 2 they put a "mask" to become different purposely or not purposely under some reasons..
in the First one I think we can see from Ourself, now and Before it was different... When We are still a Kid and maybe like me now as a teenager^^ i feel the Difference so real and Ironic sometimes If we Think about the past memory how we Live our life and How we react to this so called life itself^^
I was so childish I realize that, So emotional, Easily get angry hahahaha=D remembering bout old times I always laughed one^,^\ try to imagine when U was a Small kid, It always Nice to Remember even though maybe some People had a traumatic Memory In their Childhood memories.. It can affect The Person itself... maybe I dont have that kind of Experience But i believe its hard to had one. there's one of my friend ever said to me that he feel cursed, why does all this happen to him.. i can say he's one Of my school friend. We Rarely To contact each other now, but Everyone can see he's much better now.. From this we can learn that everything happens in our life There must be Something we can get from it.. And Sometimes it depends on how we see the things itself.. Tips: When something Bad is happening to u, Try to see it From another point of view, Who knows that There is A Good Things Hidden inside. Like When a person was lost in the Desert And Somehow He found a treasure in the middle of nowhere..(one of Sinbad's Story)
Back To the main Topic . . =)
In the Number 2, the one who put "mask" Unpurposely is Because maybe they trauma about something that happened in their life. For example You see Some Emo People, They Always like feel So death, numb, sad and even depressed.. That happen because there must be something happened before and affect How they Think.. but Doesnt mean that they are A freak.. They Need Help, There must be something, some way . . I Can said Like that Because I had experience once^^
But For me Gothic and Emo things i see now as an art^^ and I like it.. Once again Depends on how U see things Rite?^^
And For the One Who put a "mask" Purposely, it isnt always that the person is Looking for attention But They just cant show their real emotion to people. They hide it For any reason, Some hide it to Protect Something, Some hide it To achieve something, Some even hide it For pride..
to protect something, Sounds weird but for example, A person hiding his emotion when he is sad in order to protect someone else that maybe Can be affected if He/she knows the person real emotion. In ROmance things it happens, people Sacrifice for the One He/she Loved.. But This Thing Can lead the person to Suffer To him/herself...
To achieve something, in some condition a person must keep their emotion stabil, some Hide it. For example in a workplace if there maybe another person he/she doesnt like but he/she must keep The Proffesionality in Work in order to achieve his/her career goal..
For Pride, This Oftenly happen to male^^ male ussualy Seem so straight no matter what happen. Their face expression seem so monotone.. So for example, They feel really sad even almost crying but believe it or not. They will try their best to hide that, Some are Pro they can hide it really well until people thinks that he got no feelings. But some are cant, And people oftenly said those kind of guy is A whiner, weak and etc... That's Why they Put mask To hide their Emotion...
I didnt denied that I do that also, maybe i look stiff and strrong on the outside but inside here.. I can say im not so Tough^^\ hwhwhwh...
But I feel happy To be Myself, Well I was one of the Emo People but Now I understand Why Sh*t happens In life, They made me Down, They Crushed me, They made me Lay On the ground, But they make me wants To Get Up, makes me see where I slipped, And makes me walk steady In this Road Called Life^^
To be Myself Is always Comfortable, No need to worry because me is Who I am..
LeT the world know you as Who You are not as You Think you should be...=)
Just be Yourself . .

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Life instructions^^

Life Instructions...
Sometimes i wonder How to walk on this Life properly, Is there any theory For it?^^
From what i See Life Is 10% of what happen to us and 90% how we react to it...
Believe it or not, every people are different, each one of them has something Unique..
its affected by How They React to What happens to them... when they face a problem, Every people has their own way to solve it^^
Some are pessimist, some are optimist, Some are Hedonist, Or even Hypocrite but Few Are wise..
Today I found This Picture So interesting...
have fun, Do not hurt people, accept defeat and Strive to be happy
Im agree with this 4 things ..
what do U thinks?
Have Fun, Yes it is... u must have fun in this life, Even though I can say that every people face problems in their life.. There people say that " God Didnt gave us all things to enjoy life, but Life to enjoy All things"...^^
Do not Hurt people... Who wants to be Hurt In this world? tell me... Nobody right? So why Hurt people when U dont want to be Hurt by People? Life is about take and Give, U harvest from what U've planted...
Accept defeat... wHen U are lose, defeat, or things are going not Like what u desire... Doesnt mean it all ends there... Sometimes when we lose something, We achieve something also.. wwe can learn why this happen^^ There's word "do not Look where fall, but look where U slipped"
Strive to Be HappY... Who wants To be Happy? I bet everyone will say Yes... If U want to be HappY then Go For it ! But Doesnt mean I suggest You to Do everything, i mean everything Including hurting people, Or I can say like U care bout Urself only... Remember the second Instructions^^
"Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: it is not a thing to be waited for,it is a thing to be achieved."

Go For what U wanna be In this Life ! everyone can achieve what they want to be, There' will be an Obstacles waiting.. But Persistence, no matter How Slow U walk, As long as U keep On going U will arrive at The place u want to be...^^

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Listening Ear

Sometimes when we grieve

We’d rather be alone

Sit and Thinking about Life

Even though We may find out

What to do, But if there's

someone To talk

With a listening ears

It's just So Much better

It isn’t that we seek advice

or Sympathy from him/her

It’s just that talking offers release

And a listening ear brings comfort..

Just Like What I had Today, There was a time when I feel so Depressed. I found Obstacles in Life All comes at once and I have No one to listen... I kept all by myself, I get through it all alone . .

I feel quite ok that i can Pass most of all Those problems even though there's still one I just cant do anything about it.. I spent my time by sitting at my

Silent dark room Alone Thinking what Should i Do and have I done something wrong... Night after night, Day after day pass by and SLowly Those time was pass... but This day Finally I can share These to Arlene^^ Thank you so Much Lene~

Little story About Her, I met her at Church when one of my friend had a friend and he Introduced me to her^^ Its not a coincidence i think, Because I se

e that she Understand How I feel and I Can understand How she feel When We tell each other About our story...


Talking about friends, I see that Friends is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.. Honestly when i Think About all my friends, Back in Bandung Or here... I miss the time when Im hang out with them... Problems happens, Crack Occurs but That's Life... I hope that someday everything will be Just fine For Everyone^^ Even now Not only Friends, I wish for people that i was see as an enemy to be Just Fine . .

I feel I grown up Bit by bit . . This is where I start lol

Monday, May 3, 2010

Super duper Tired, But im Happy !(^,<)\

Woaaaaaah.... Today I Feel so tired with Daily activity which is I must Wake Up at 8, prepare for Training>,< 10 o clock start Work and Today is Quite busy. PLUS the Irritating chef is really a Big Big Problem there... I had to Delay my break some more, another Late time For Lunch... Gastrict some more, Lucky I bring my medicine=P
finallY we can go home With Chef Scolding before, he said We got attitude problem This and that la~ damn It ! We all Know he got a lot of Experience in the industry, He said he cant teach us because our attitude but He also stupid la... He cant teach Us Properly, He Give pressure all the time Instead of Spirit... ha~ I dunt care anymore la~ On the way back home, traffic jam everywhere argh.... then, Pity me... I must go to Level 17 then the Lift suddenly Stop at lvl 7 all dark inside.... lucky the door still can open, then i take stairs until level 17... So tired...
Then, Lukito arrive also, He reminds me that today got A Futsal Friendly match with Indofoot>,<>,<
i feel so weak on the way to Extreme park there, but then When I enter the court... SUddenlly I feel energetic again !^^ hahahaha=P game after game we played and then Finally its finished...
I feel like want to play more>,< but i have another Day of training Tomorrow...
so I Decide to go back home, heuh~ we must walk like about 80 meter to go and wait for taxi on the side of road there.. Thanx to God in only 5 Minutes there's taxi stop there and We Go home...
Finally im arrive at Home, Then at that time I feel Sooooooooo Tired~,~
I take a rest a while, I was thinking to go For my dinner but I think Im too Tired...
I Learn something today, I was tired, Stress, upset with all things happen in my training place.. But in the end.. I can Play futsaL which is I like the Most among all of my activity^^
So Whenever You feel sad, Upset, Tired off all Things in life, Just keep On believe that after we faced every problem in our life, there will be a Joy after . . Just Like In my small experience which I had today=)
"The realist sees reality as concrete. The optimist sees reality as clay.
and Optimism itself is the foundation of courage.."
Believe it or not, Sometimes Honestly I am Pessimistic>,<\ Because The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised..
In reality I see that people can be either Both Depends On situation...

Sunday, May 2, 2010


From where I started to where I am today
The journey has been long & tiring
from nothing to some thing I am today
It’s not been an easy journey.

Tried with luck; Tried with hard work
Tried with destiny too
But nothing worked for me.
It’s not been an easy journey.

Found love but lost love too
Found friends but lost them too
Found money, even lost that one too
But the journey continued

Today I stand facing the world
It’s beckoning me to start all over again
While I miss my love
With whom I could start the journey again

I want to move on by my own power
Even without my friends & money
As life moves on; I move on with it
To a journey that never concludes

Walking alone on this path
With guts and determination
I want to continue the journey again
A journey where i could write A history
As the man who achieve his Dream

Tonight Before I sleep, I sit here in My silent room thinking . . what Have I Done In the past, and What i wanna Do In the next day...
I was Fallen, hurt, And petrified... But now I Rise again to face this World and so called Life
For Everyone I love and Loved Me . .
New day will Come and I shall continue My journey again...