Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New page, Old memories . .^^

i had fallen into
a pit of despair
i looked around
no one was there
i tried all i could
to get back out
uncertainly closed in
with fear and with doubt

but a light broke through
it shown from above
it filled me with happiness
with joy and with love
then all of a sudden
a hand reached for me
the warmth touched my soul
it helped me to see

That God Given us all things
To enjoy Life But
life to enjoy all things,
Mistakes are not intended
To make us down Rather
Than They make us Stronger..

This Is the Begining of Once again
My new page of life although I still have
Old memories inside me But I'll live My life
With A new Way . .=)

This Is what people said
"No matter how Big is A Storm, It will Stop.."
Now My storm is stop, and I'm waiting For
The sunshine to comes....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Keep On bleeding

Blood running everywhere.
Dripping all down my skin.
Still not enough.
Must hurt some more.

It's my way.
To get through the day.
To keep my hell at bay.

Bang my head against the wall.
Still not enough.
Must hurt myself some more.

Find a weapon.
Find and open my speacial box.
Must do some more.

For hurt I do.
I'd rather hurt on the outside.
Hurt even more

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Everything I start Happily Its ended With Sadness

I feel So Empty . .
U know what?
An empty heart has no Smile
An empty heart has no love to share
An empty heart is a lonely hole
An empty heart is like a stone
An empty heart has no Passion
An empty heart gets no satisfaction
An empty heart cannot cry
An empty heart might as well die
An empty heart is so sad
My heart is now empty
‘Cause I am not glad . .

Sunday, June 28, 2009

HappY Puppy Reunion

These are me and my friends at happy PuppY^^
Sing a Song and Become crazy just like What we are used to do
Every week hahahahaha=D
Im happy to meet them again after 6 months...
That's the Smile
The tears is, I still missed some of my friends here some crew
Haven go back yet, they are still out there somewhere studying. . .
But sometimes even though I go back to my hometown already
I feel Lonely sometimes . . .
When im at home at my room I Close my eyes
And I dont give a shit to other sounds....
What happen Next is that . . . .
I . . . . Sleep hahhahahahahha=D
So boring man sometimes..... Damn . . . . .

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yes, I listened and I got the answer
How many times we say goodbye before realizing
the effects of what we have done so misleading?
How many words have been dropped and written
and been said and done that threaten?

Goodbye...the saddest word to say, I know
Who will dare to say goodbye somehow,
when there's good memories and good thoughts shared
that will hold you back and you know you have cared?

But for the very first time, I have uttered the word
Trully, too much pain can lead someone to say goodbye,
Or this is the way on how to escape from the present situation?
Or a word that you know it will hurt the concern one for his desperation?

I listened to my heart though...
And infact I got the answer through,
It made me strong, broaden my mind
Realizing that saying goodbye isn't the last word
It is how you deal with it, I suppose.

To turn back or to move on...?
I must Listen to my heart is calling...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

thinking of you makes me sad
being with you makes me glad
how come i feel these things
gosh i just want to scream

why is it that im sad when we talk
but so happy when we walk
why are you in my head
as i lay down for bed

why do i feel so torn apart
in my sad and lonely heart
you could've been my hero
instead turned out to be a zero

why dont you get just how i feel
maybe i should just deal
with the fact that you don't dare
to say that you care . . .

If u care to someone Just say it to him or her
Because u wont know what will happen in da Future....-,-
Who'll know if There is a deep dark Tunnel of sorrow waiting. . .
Dont Hope too much La~

My eyes can'T lie

My sad eyes

My sad eyes
blurred by tears
heart broken
by the world they now see

My sad eyes
now look down
afraid to look upon
all thats black

My sad eyes
full of aqua blue
the whitest of white
so wonderess
yet so pained

My sad eyes
the all seeing
the all feeling
the all knowing

My sad eyes
one tear holds
a hundred diffrent reasons for there saddness

My sad eyes
please someone wipe away the hurt...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The strength to rise from the pain,
to continue at all cost,
The strength to prolong all the shame,
Knowing that you've lost,
The strength to smile, when all you feel is anger,
to substitute bad days, for the best ones you can remember,
The strength to say 'I'm lost' when your pride has blocked your sight,
to say 'please love me', though I've never done it right,
The strength to say you love them, knowing there may be no reply,
to stay by their sides at times, when all they do is cry,
the strength to try again after many times of failing,
to finally open up after many years of waiting,
The strength to fall in love, though sacrificing your heart,
to keep a loved one close while knowing you've grown apart,
The strength to say ' I love you' when all else has gone wrong,
to keep on waiting.....

Friday, April 24, 2009

Im Sacrifice To give U a way to faith . . .

Leave me upon the cross to bleed
Leave me in the tomb where I rest
Let me begin from the beginning
Where nothing is everything
& my faith is blank

Like a piece of paper torn
Between this and that
& left as ash
this is where I will rest

Bleed me out for your faith
Just bleed me out
& use me to clean the sins
All cause I am a believer
Of something you don't get

Leave me a Scar in this heart
Leave me on this rope where I hang
Let me tell you the story
From where I am
& my faith remain blank

Ripped of my pride
& robbed of my design
Left with nothing
For your faith

Bleed me out for your faith
Just bleed me out
& use me to clean the sins
All cause I am a believer
Of something you don't

Bleed me out for your faith
Just bleed me out
& use me to clean the sins
All cause I am a believer
Of something different from u

"If this is the way that u want to take and if This is the best Way for you, Don't mind me..
Am I hurt? Yes I am but at least for your own good Its ok...."
That Words always come out from my mouth before I get a broken heart....
Have I do the right thing? Or I were wrong?
Should I release if I had A love that says she want to be free or she must choose the other?
Im Always torn apart after this part, But nobody can get to see the tears I cry....
I thought Because I wanna make her Happy I will keep struggling for it,
But still U say "I wanna be free, I wanna be with . . . . ."
Time can Heal A wound In Our Heart but time cant Heal The scar. . .
U know why people can commit suicide when they found their heart are broken?
Beacuse U can get true peace After Death..... Its Up to you to believe or not . . .

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Maybe My heart are Made to Be broken. . .

At night
At night I lay and think of you hoping my wishes and dreams come true
At night I wonder can this be the end is this all that's left
At night I wish we could go to the way things were
At night I lay and cry about the things that happened and how it all ended
At night I lay and think of us, I mean you and I....
But in the morning I realize it was all
At Night . . .

Purity once had a name,
And beauty once had a face.
Life once had a meaning,
And once I was safe.
Once there was freedom,
And once I could laugh.
Happiness once was alive,
And once I had another half.
Once I shared her love,
Once I was by her side,
Once I felt I fitted,
So quickly that died.
Her grace so great,
Her beauty so vast,
All I ever wanted,
Was for it to last.
Fate maybe had another plan. . .

Alone with you is where I long to be too
Alone together is the place where we should be
Alone without your words
it's you that I miss too

Alone I feel your touch
Alone today just feel like too much
Alone I don't want you to feel
Alone soon I hope you will not be

Alone and it's you I barely know
Alone a while longer and I will come to you
Alone this hunger that makes you ache
Alone this feeling my flesh can't hardly take

Alone this feeling soon you won't have to take
Alone with you I know will be home for me
Alone with you soon will come true
Alone you kiss me goodbye in your mind
Alone but your heart beats with mine

Alone and why is timing so unkind
Because with me, alone you will not find

Fragile how you are, strong and patient you will find
You I need, wait for me and alone you will not be .....^^:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oooo... Our group 4 DC 32 Centerpiece, Im Working on it and I made it hihihihi=P
Hope all my groupmate Likes it^^
Also It can makes our lecturer realize that maybe we are not number one But We are The Best !!
Ingredients to make this:
1. HArdwork
2. Teamwork
3. A lot of Work


A long long longer day !!

Damn I cant Say anything More than This For today !!!
I Lost my wallet !!! I'm working on menu and Centerpiece !!!
from 11.30 got suck class after that I lost my wallet, working on serving things until 3 am the next day !!
ARGh.....>.< GOD DAMN it !!!!!
Me and Michael working on it together Until We are almost die !!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

a Long long Day !

April 18th -19 th 2009

Me, Firman, Selwyn, Roy, Aris, Via, and Andry Go to Shah alam Putra high To go Fishing^^
Its my first time, Wooo Im so nervous. At first i think that its only original fishing But it is not, its a Competition^^
we prepare everything so damn perfect, It really nice a~ the place^^
there are few of Tent and A lake in the middle for us tho go fishing there. Well the competition is all about Who catch the Heaviest fish off all^^ that day The result for the heaviest fish is 6.2 kg
By the way From my group Selwyn Got a fish first with 2.4 kg after that Me^^ Im so happy on my first day of fishing I can get 1 fish with 1.45 kg^^
And Lucky me I can bring it home and cook it later^^
Well it takes a long time though for 1 competition it takes 5 hours from 11Pm until 4 am...
We all so exhausted that day~,~
Well That was quite A long day for me, Before that I was went to futsal tournament at Bukit Jalil Kuala Lumpur from 8 am to 3 pm then I go fishing at 11pm-4am and Now I will go to play futsal again with my housemate and friends wew....^,^
So nice^.^
But this day I kinda....... well can say i'm not feel comfortable because I see My friends and some1 i dont like at church in 1 group-,-
but All i can say is Nothing because i cant say anything bout it la~

Silence speaks
Silence screams
Silence talks louder then any word
that cuts true the heart like a sword.

Silence speaks
Silence screams
Silence drives me around the bend
what's the problem i don't understand

Silence speaks
Silence screams
Silence is a weapon of your choice
To cut true my heart
Like a sword
with out saying a single word

Friday, April 17, 2009

courage for Xpression

Tonight I go to Orientation Dinner with Michael wong, Michaela, Roy and Michael Tan... Lot of "michael" there hahahahaha=D
we Watch the show until the disco time come only, After that we all go home^^ We are kinda disappointed though because The show is not as good as expected but okay okay la~^^
Now Im Back Home Already^^ I feel relieve now beacuse i already get the answer from something but I just keep it myself^,^
Even though its not good as expected at least I Relieve la~=)
so hot this night and Tomorrow i will go to Footsal Tournament !!! So HappY !
I wanna Kick the SoccerBalls Or other Balls If I can hahahahhahaha=D
U was planning to play Monopoly with my housemate and neighbor but can't
so sad....-.-\
By the way In those Video Michael Wong goes into some games hahahahaha=D
Nice for him^^
Well mainly I feel Happy today and I have Some Unsatisfied things la Can say like that^^
This is how I feel

Courage is doing what is right,
Courage it takes to speak the,
Courage it takes to be yourself
Corage to stand out

Courage to be me
Courage is love,
It brings hope
Courage gives you the strenght,
To all weakness

Courage is something any,
one can achieve
The heart of love is,
Don't close your eyes on the world,
There are many who cares for you,
Face your life and its trials with,
a quiet mind and courageous,
Keep SMile And Be happy....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

MarveLous Dinner !!(^U^)

Today I Got A really damn Theory Class !-,-" But....
Tonight I got A real Nice Marvelous Dinner With My Gang ! JonatHan, Michael Wong, Vishnu, Shaun and Me ! All the Food Is a Creation Of Chef Tan^,^
1st I think about the price because its not Cheap a~ But then I think again after I come to The Place, Its Worthed tough^^ Really, Im not Regret to come especially With the Gang !
Thanx !!
I really Hope to come again^^ hahahahaha
by the way so sorry to my footsal team, I miss the practice Session today>,<
And Then On the way to the dinner place and go Home From the Memphis Bistro, ON Jon's car we All doing crazy ahahaha Laughing Bout Ninja La~ Bout xxx la~ hihihihihihi=P
The Food I Try tonight is Fresh Mushroom soup, SeafoodChowder, Spaghetti with prawn, Prawn What i don't know the name^^, chicken what la~ then Diane Rib eye, crab cake, mushroom what la~, and The best is Chocolate LAva Cake So damn F*cking Chocolate la~ hahahahaha=P
Now Im in my room again no Light as usual...^^

Today I got a Lot of Smiles Thanx To God and my friends !

Friendship is just Like water
It flows Together become the river
No Obstacle Can Stop it
Until The end It Will Flows
And become one In the sea

Friendship Is just like vapor
It Comes from different place
and Become One as Cloud
Until the rain times come
They spread Into Rain

Falling down together from The sky
even though it separated
It will back Together
From the river or Cannal
They will be Together Till the end

Whatever or wherever they go
They will back as One...
I'm so luCky to have a friends just like
I have Now, hope I can be a good friends for you all=)
BelIeve it My friends....^,^

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

FriendsHip Now and Forever

Tonight I stay in my room again alone and suddenly
I think bout My friends and what i Did Today...
Today I Wake Up early and must go to Class^,^
even though I feeL sooooo Lazy, but I keep Going for Class
U know what, sometimes I really want to go not because the Class or scare to the Lecturer
But Because Of My friends....=P
Today Class is so tiring and boring
In the Morning i must go to Pastry Class, 2 hours 30 minutes in kitchen Quite tiring u know..
And then I must go back fast to change and come back for another Class...-,-
I feel Sleepy ALready, And what makes it worse is Accounts class WTF !
After that my group can take a break for 1 hour before Geography Classs
Another Weird Lecturer~,~
So LuCky that Im in dc 32 Group 4^,^
With all My friends we Go through all the bad and good things

Friends Is a friends
that will remain until the end
Because Friend Stay in
our heart and sOuL
Which turn into sweet memories

Friends are Friends
That Will remain until the end
Because Friend Share all
Problem And Happiness
which turn Tears into SmiLe

Friends Are Friends
That Will remain Until the end
Because Friends wont Betray
Each other...Why?
Because I "Believe" My friends..

I Imagine also If We are All Graduate, even though Its still take a long time but...
It just suddenly come on my mind when I wrote this blog...

After The gRaduation I will going to go separate ways with my friends
But I Believe we'll keep in touch
These last Term Is flowing so fast
I still Remember the first time I met You all
I wish all memories we have will last And last...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Nighty Night

Tonight I'm Alone at my room
Can't Sleep And Just Wondering
What have I done Today
What will happen Tomorrow
I look at My window and Stare at the Night Light

I believe that the sun shines after the rain
I believe if you don't get hurt you'll never gain
I believe that Dreams come true
I believe that good things come to those who wait
And I believe Love will never arrives too late

I believe that Something good Comes from something Bad
I believe that Smile Will come After teardrops

I believe You are Learn to live
I believe that I love Someone to give
I believe One moment can change Your Life
Even though You almost fall from a cliff

I believe People cant be judge from appearance
I believe Living is the best experience
I believe Someday I will Find Someone
that god made for me and the only one


Tears And SmiLe

Tonight is my first time making this Blog..^^
I really don't know when to starts but I'm making this Blog
To Share My Life Stories Which is Decorated With SmiLe And Tears...

Smile Is A thing That Even 1000 Words Can't describe What is it...
Smile Has a lot Of meaning, You don't need to say A lot of words
To tell What's in ur mind And Heart, But One Smile U can tell
all things.

Tears Is not a Simple water drops from u'r eyes
Tears Can Make U comfort When U are Sick
Tears Can cheer u Up when U want to Quit
Tears Also can appear when You are Happy

Whatever Things Come upon U'r Life Don't worry Be Happy
If U happy Just Smile
If U sad Its ok to release u'r Tears
BeLieve That God already Plans something That's The Best For Us All....

But Honestly Me As Human
I still can't put those words On My life Because Of what?
Beacuse I'm Human...^,^